Friday, August 22, 2008

I typically consider myself a pretty bright person.  If I want to know something I do whatever it takes to figure it out.  However, when it comes to blogs I feel like such a tard!  I tried Xanga for a while to keep in touch with all my friends from TM.  I never could figure out how to post pics (part of the problem is that I have a Mac) so my good friend Logan enabled me and posted them for me!  The other problem is I just don't have the time, mostly b/c I don't make it a priority.  Where do people find the time?  Not to mention having mutiples like facebook, myspace and a blog???? It just seems like you can get sucked in and next thing you know it's been hours just checking up on people's lives.  That in itself is not bad but it just seems so impersonal to me.  All these people can read about me and I don't even know about it...kinda creeps me out.  When we were in AZ many of my dearest friends were many states away.  Now that all of my friends are long distance I am throwing in the towel.  I must become a blogger b/c it just seems impossible to keep in touch with everyone personally!  Don't expect me to pour out my deepest thoughts, if you know me in the slightest you'll know that that's not gonna happen online!  But hopefully I can keep up with whats going on in our life and stay up with whats going on in yours!


Kate B said...

Alana is such a doll!!!! I love keeping up with you online - here's to blogging!

G-ma Susan said...

I enjoy looking at your website! It's so nice for those of us who live a distance away to watch our kids (new parents, I should say!) and grandkids grow!