Thursday, August 21, 2008

Here are the pictures of Alana devouring her birthday cake. The first picture is her reation when we showed her the cake. I don't really even know how she knew what it was. We got her a little 4 inch cake of her own. (Which is orange b/c the only little cake the grocery store bakery had was Nascar! So we took off the decals) At first when we put it in front of her she didn't know what to do...or she was in shock that I was actually going to let her eat chocolate cake! But she caught on quickly and dug in! I was hoping that most of it was falling under the tray but when I looked I discovered that she knew this was a precious commodity and not to waste it. : ) She liked to squish it between her fingers before she put it in her mouth. Within minutes the sugar set in and she got gitty. It was soooo cute! When Justin tried to take the tray this was her reaction!

1 comment:

Anya said...

Oh, I love it! Alana is too cute!