Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm back!

Wow, has it been 3 months??? A friend of mine mentioned the other day that she checks my blog but there hasn't been any recent updates to which I said "Oh yeah, I have a blog! Oops!" Our beloved MAC crashed a few months ago and now we have the dreaded PC. So I'm not online much anymore becasue I'm not too fond of this new laptop. Plus life has been a bit busier as Alana and I have met some friends so we are spending much more time with people..WHOO HOO! So if you want updates on us, I guess you'll have to come visit! Just kidding..sort of! To be honest I wasn't really sure if anyone read this but here's for those of ya who do. We are planning a trip to go see Justin's mom and step dad who moved to Raleigh, NC in January. We will be there at the end of May and are pretty excited for this little getaway. We will be leaving Alana with his mom for our first overnighter with out her and I am thrilled! Justin is really liking his new job and company and better yet...they LOVE him! It's an hour commute which is the bad part but he's never complained! We plan on doing a little camping this summer as we just found a beautiful highway that cuts right through the San Gabriels Mountains of which we live in the foothills. Alana is getting big and talking a lot! Life is pretty normal right now which we are grateful for...for a change. I have a friend of mine watching Alana for hours on Monday mornings so I get a little chunk of "me time". This has been the most wonderful gift! Hopefully I try to update a little more often, we'll see! I will post a few family pics soon. This one is us at Disneyland...we got to go for free the weekend after my bday. The whole day we only paid bucks for some popcorn!